change of focus / out of focus / serious stuff moving to A2K blog

by P

Dear loyal readership!

It is with some sadness that I have to announce a departure from the olden ways — the ones we have grown so accustomed to, as attributed by the numerous comments you leave for me all the time. This is what’s changing: Most of the more serious stuff that I occasionally posted here will move to the recently launched A2K Hub, a blog run by the United Nations University MERIT Institute. I work as a researcher at MERIT and will do most of the posting on FOSS and commons-based production models, but will be joined by other researchers who focus on biotechnology etc.

That also means that the content on this here bokaap blog will become a little more free-form. I will post more personal things, stronger opinions (too strong for A2K) and random notes here. Watch out for a very funny GRANTA guide on how to write about Africa, coming up next.

Take care — good bye — and welcome!